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Uxande olunye lweBaluster yentsimbi eSetyelweyo yanamhlanje/iSpindle

Inkcazelo emfutshane:

Uxande olunye lweBaluster yentsimbi yale mihla/iSpindle idla ngokusetyenziswa kunye nebha engenanto, iibhalutha eziguquguqukayo nezisebenzayo.Imigca elula ecocekileyo inokufikelela kwisitayela samanje kunye nokujonga.

  • Imilinganiselo 44 intshi x 1/2 intshi
  • Isikwere esithe ngqo sebha
  • Ifumaneka kwi-Standard Hollow Tubular kunye neSolid
  • Ifaka enye i-20-3/4 intshi yoxande
  • Fihla inguqu ukusuka kwi-baluster ukuya kwisinyathelo nge-1/2 intshi yesiseko sesihlangu
  • Zonke izinto ezigqityiweyo zingumgubo ogqunywe ngomgubo oyenye yeendlela ezifunwa kakhulu zokugqiba umphezulu.Sisiphelo esiqinileyo, esihlala ixesha elide ukumelana kakhulu nemikrwelo, ukuqhekeka, ukuxobuka, imitha ye-UV kunye nomhlwa.

Iinkcukacha zeMveliso

Iithegi zeMveliso

Ukulula ukufakwa, okungaphezulu kwe-doweled, kunye ne-balusters / i-Spindles inokunqunyulwa ubude ngokunciphisa ezantsi kwe-baluster / Spindle ngesixhobo sokusika isinyithi.Kwaye kwimbono yokonga kweendleko, ukucutha lula kunye naphezu kwakho konke ukukhululeka kokunikezela, uninzi lwabathengi benze utshintsho kwiiBalusters / Spindles ezingenanto endaweni yezo ziqinileyo.
Friendly reminder, usually the iron balusters/Spindles must pass the 4 inches spacing rule, meant that a 4 inches sphere cannot pass through any portion of the balustrade/Spindle. Meanwhile, if you can’t find any products you are looking for, and need additional assistance or any question you have, then please do not hesitate to contact us via phone or e-mail us , we are glad if anything we can do for you on stair products.

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